Monday, February 25, 2008

Me and Sharon...

I am very proud of Sharon. She's beautiful, smart and funny.

God bless Sharon Jo!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Kiril Gura eats a big bite of wasabi...

eager to please, KiriLL (w/ 2 els) tries the wasabi... the ambulance arrived soon thereafter...
thanks be to Jesus he was okay...

Breakfast of Champions...

My favorite breakfast is usually the one i am presently eating... However, my favorite breakfast to eat is soft boiled eggs on toast sprinkled copiously with raw oats.
The eggs are soft boiled for four minutes. Then, opened by smartly smiting the egg transversely with a butter knife. Some skill is required to remove the eggwhite completely from the shell without plicating the inner membrane and without spilling the yolk on anything but the toasts open face.
Once both eggs are arrayed on the toast, one sprinkles one eighth to one quarter cup of raw oats on the toast.
The process of eating this delicacy will have to be shared in another entry... As it requires greater and different diciplines...

Friday, February 22, 2008

hard at work

today at work... i did important things...

New Bike Plans

I had little time to experience any sort of afterglow since completing my ride in November. Losing Laura is too difficult and personal to fully express. I'm still trying to sort out my emotions.

I've got two trips planned... the first will be a short one week trip from D.C. to Pittsburg. I will ride this with Chris the week after Memorial day.

I am in the planning stages of a ride from Juneau Alaska to Washington, D.C. -- probably in the summer of 2009.

I've given up some of my conditioning since November... I've regained most of the weight that I lost on my ride. Hell... who didn't see that happening?

more pee-your-pants excitement to come... stay posted... don't blink!